- Advanced Refining Technology (ART) validates Avantium for hydrocracking catalyst testing
- Albemarle validates Avantium for refinery catalyst testing
- Argonne National Laboratory takes ownership of high throughput catalyst testing platform from Avantium
- Argonne National Laboratory uses Avantium’s 16-reactors Flowrence® XR for catalysis screening combined with machine learning
- Avantium and TNO partner to manufacture electrolyser test stations for green hydrogen production
- Avantium appoints Steven Olivier to lead its Catalysis business
- Avantium awarded tender to deliver Flowrence® XD System to Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany
- Avantium awarded tender to deliver one Flowrence® system to Sinopec Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals
- Avantium awarded tender to deliver one Flowrence® system to SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing
- Avantium awarded tender to deliver three Flowrence® systems to ETH Zürich
- Avantium awarded to deliver an advanced high-throughput carbon capture and Direct Air Capture (DAC) testing unit to RWTH Aachen University
- Avantium Catalysis expands its business into R&D for sustainable chemistry
- Avantium delivers first Flowrence XR high-throughput catalyst testing system in Japan, to Nippon Ketjen
- Avantium delivers two Flowrence XD’s to KAUST Catalysis Center
- Avantium delivers unique Respiratory Adsorption Unit to IRCELYON
- Avantium has been awarded a tender to supply two Flowrence® XD systems to SINOPEC RIPP
- Avantium installed its high-throughput unit Flowrence® XD at ETH Zurich Swisscat
- Avantium partnered with Catalyst Intelligence to use its performance prediction model HydroScope
- Avantium partners with Daiichi Jitsugyo (DJK) to better serve our Catalysis customers in Japan
- Avantium performs extensive independent catalyst evaluation of Naphtha Reforming catalysts for Major US refiner
- Avantium performs independent hydrocracking catalyst testing for Petroineos
- Avantium qualified by Axens to test Selective Acetylene Hydrogenation Catalysts
- Avantium R&D Solutions adjusts prices due to rising energy and material costs
- Avantium R&D Solutions is awarded a tender for Flowrence® high-throughput R&D system by Nippon Shokubai
- Avantium R&D Solutions strengths customer service in China with local Field Service Engineer
- Avantium R&D Solutions to provide adsorption testing units to Climeworks for the capture of carbon dioxide from air
- Avantium R&D Solutions’ custom R&D unit for CO₂ adsorption
- Avantium R&D Solutions’ new brand video is released
- Avantium to deliver several Flowrence® systems to KAUST Catalysis Center
- Avantium travels to China again after 3 years of pandemic restrictions
- Chinese Research Institute SINOPEC visits Avantium for extensive training
- Daiichi Jitsugyo (DJK) and Avantium strengthen their partnership after successful meeting in Amsterdam
- Ergon selects Avantium to perform independent catalyst testing evaluation
- Flowrence for CO₂ conversion, methanol and ammonia was installed at Kiel University
- Flowrence XR®’s contribution to AIST’s research in Japan
- Haldor Topsoe awards high-throughput catalyst screening contract to Avantium
- High-throughput Screening technology for adsorbents in Biorefinery – IMPRESS Project
- IFPEN renews partnership with Avantium R&D Solutions
- Impact of sulphiding agents on ULSD catalyst performance
- Japanese Research Association ADMAT select Avantium’s Flowrence XR to accelerate their research
- New patent awarded for innovative naphtha reforming catalyst benchmarking
- OMV selects Avantium to perform independent catalyst testing
- PTT GC selects Avantium to perform independent catalyst testing evaluation
- Shell Catalysts & Technologies renews partnership with Avantium
- SIE Neftehim validates Avantium for reforming catalyst testing
- Sinopec RIPP strengthens collaboration with Avantium, TNO, Eindhoven and Utrecht University
Knowledge base
- Accelerate your catalyst research
- Author insights: Data quality obtained in refinery catalyst testing
- Avantium’s microfluidic distribution: A Novel technology for high-throughput catalysis
- Behind the scenes of our Contract R&D Services
- Compare catalyst activities in the same way you do on industrial scale
- Crude-to-Chemicals testing enabled by Flowrence
- Data processing using high-throughput experimentation
- Direct Air Capture (DAC) and high-throughput testing using small adsorption columns
- Evaluating naphtha reforming catalysts
- Even Faster Analytics!
- Fast adsorbent screening services and process optimization in our labs
- Flowrence’s capabilities for hydrogen storage screening
- Flowrence® XD – Our flagship for early stage catalysis R&D
- Handling your sensitive chemistry
- High-throughput catalyst testing in our laboratories tailored for any R&D stage
- High-throughput screening technology for adsorbents in Biorefinery
- High-throughput systems for Fischer-Tropsch applications
- High-throughput test equipment for performance evaluation of respiratory adsorption material
- How 5 questions can improve your Flowrence uptime – QIQO
- How KAUST Catalysis Center is leveraging Avantium’s technology to produce R&D breakthroughs
- How the Flowrence XD can boost your research output
- How to get even more value out of your Flowrence?
- Impact of sulphiding agents on ULSD catalyst performance
- Isomerization of olefins in sustainable aviation fuels production
- Milestones for successful Refinery Catalyst Testing
- Multi column solutions tailored for adsorbent users
- Optimizing analytics for improved data quality
- Performance testing of hydrodesulfurization catalysts using a Single-Pellet-String Reactor
- Pilot plant studies of lubes hydrotreating catalysts
- Precision and accuracy in fluid and pressure control for parallel reactors
- Predicting hydrotreater performance while co-processing vegetable oil
- Pyrolysis oil upgrading R&D applications: Contaminants removal by adsorption
- Reactor-to-reactor repeatability
- Reliable naphtha reforming catalyst testing
- Removing pyrolysis oil contaminants: Innovative approach utilizing high-throughput batch experiments
- Representative Pilot Plant Testing of Hydrocracking Catalysts
- Selective hydrogenation of acetylene
- Sensible diesel hydrotreating catalyst selection: An independent catalyst testing
- Testing of ULSD Catalysts – Parallel testing of Hydroprocessing Catalysts
- Testing Vegetable Oil hydrotreating catalysts in high-throughput micro-pilot plants