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Contract R&D

Helping the leading suppliers and research institutes developing better and more efficient catalysts with the world’s best high throughput technology

The most advanced catalyst testing technology on contract

Proven Technology

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Highest Data Quality

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Fast Screening

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Highly Experienced Team

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Validated by Customers

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Unmatched Accuracy

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Cost Effective

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Inherently Safe Testing

Leo nulla bibendum amet iaculis semper condimentum ornare egestas amet. Morbi amet hac sit proin id leo vestibulum tortor.

Systems Installed
Years of Innovation
Proven Applications

Successful R&D requires collaboration, regular communication and flexibility


Our Process

Successful R&D requires collaboration, regular communication and flexibility