Watermark short

Contract R&D

Helping the leading suppliers and research institutes developing better and more efficient catalysts with the world’s best high-throughput technology

In our laboratories in Amsterdam, we offer more than 800 reactors dedicated to catalyst testing. These reactors include a variety of high-throughput, multi-parallel catalyst testing platforms, in both fixed-bed and batch, ensuring high-quality, industrially scalable results with unparalleled accuracy.

The most advanced catalyst testing technology on contract

Proven Technology

Access the best high-throughout technology with decades of research and development with 150+ chemistries.

Highest Data Quality

Reproducible results with accurate microfluidics distribution. Large isothermal zone with perfect catalyst-feed contacting.

Fast Screening

Accelerate catalyst research and development with the best high-throughput testing technology

Highly Experienced Team

Highly experienced team of scientists and technologists with relevant catalysis knowledge and research experience

Validated by Customers

FlowrenceⓇ technology extensively used by catalyst suppliers and research institutes to accelerate their catalyst R&D

Unmatched Accuracy

Multi-parallel reactors systems that generate accurate data without standing reactor-to-reactor repeatability

Cost Effective

Reduce time to market with dedicated high-throughput testing units. Significant cost savings compared to large scale testing

Inherently Safe Testing

Our small-scale reactors technology smart design eliminates dead volumes and minimizes chemicals hold up

What capabilities and expertise do we offer for our customers?

Customers ask us to conduct well-defined catalyst testing projects, often part of more extensive R&D programs. We help them devise the most appropriate catalyst testing solutions in line with their specific objectives. We take pride in our ability to deal with short lead times and turn out results quickly.

High-throughput testing systems, both fixed-bed flow and batch are available for all R&D stages of the catalyst development. Different operating conditions can be varied in line with the requirements needed. Project duration can vary from just a few weeks up to multi-year programs.

Reactors Available
Years of Innovation
Chemistries Tested
Customer Satisfaction

Successful R&D requires collaboration, regular communication and flexibility


Our Process

Successful R&D requires collaboration, regular communication and flexibility