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Reactor-to-reactor repeatability

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An important quality criteria in parallelized reactors systems is reactor-to-reactor repeatability. A good repeatability is achieved when reactors loaded with the same catalyst system yield the same results. This means that the test results and the differences (in catalytic performance) measured in parallel reactors are reliable.

The following examples provide an overview of the outstanding precision obtained with the 16-parallel reactors Flowrence® technology.

Below, an example where a commercial feed and 16 loadings of a single commercial catalyst were used to validate system performance in ULSD.

Relative standard variation for 16 reactors loaded with the same ULSD catalyst.


Note the outstanding reactor-to-reactor repeatability for all 16 reactors with the narrow standard deviation of 0.4 °C and 0.1% RSD.

Simply putted, 16 reactors loaded with the same catalyst yield almost exactly the same conversion when operated at the same temperature.

Note the outstanding reactor-to-reactor repeatability for all 16 reactors with the narrow standard deviation of 0.4 °C and 0.1% RSD.

Simply putted, 16 reactors loaded with the same catalyst yield almost exactly the same conversion when operated at the same temperature.

This example also helps to address concerns with catalyst sample homogeneity using small-scale reactors (<1g of catalyst loading). The next example shows the results for the comparison of 4x ULSD catalysts (loaded in quadruplicate reactors). Note the precision of the quadruplicate reactors loaded with the same catalyst. The standard deviation around the temperature required to obtain 10 ppm Sulfur is 0.2 – 0.4°C.

Once again, an excellent repeatability is observed for the quadruplicate reactors. Impressive discrimination power: statistically relevant differences in catalytic performance observed.


Lastly, an example with hydrocracking catalysts tested in duplicate reactors. The chart below shows VGO conversion as function of temperature for the same catalyst tested in duplicate reactors.


In this chart, it can be observed an excellent reactor-to-reactor repeatability, where the Net Conversion is within 0.2% for the 4 catalysts tested in duplicate reactors.

All these results clearly show the outstanding repeatability for duplicated reactors in our high-throughput 16-reactors system.

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