When you explore new chemical reactions, you ideally want to carry out many reactions. 

 Typically, you are testing different temperatures, sets of process conditions, such as different reactants, catalysts, or concentrations. 

 Now, on top of that, you need a kinetic curve to determine how your catalyst is performing, and you want to make sure to show the reproducibility of your experiments.  

 This is where Batchington takes over: it enables you to carry out gas-liquid reactions in no time. You easily carry out reactions in twelve-fold and the design of Batchington takes care that all autoclaves are equally loaded with gas and go through the same heating and quenching cycle.  

 And this robust design enables safe working with hydrogenation or other gas – liquid reactions.  

In this video, Avantium’s Sr. Scientist Robert-Jan van Putten shares his first-hand experience with Batchington high-pressure reactor system. Robert-Jan explains the capabilities of our Batchington, how it enabled him to reliably screen two thousand organic syntheses per year on his own. Click the video to learn how it has enhanced efficiency of his experiments and freed up valuable time for data analysis and further discoveries! 

To read Robert-Jan’s thesis, click here.